Tuesday, February 5, 2019

La Paz

It all makes much more sense 2 weeks in. You understand the rhythms of your days. Decisions come easier. And the bonds between you and the school develop. Given the opportunity I would happily sign up to stay here for many more months. 

Week 2 at Salesianos was special for many reasons. Celebration were being held for 'la dia del Paz' (the day of peace). I attended a ceremony with cherubs lighting candles, paper doves and dancing. Thursday and Friday were the anniversary of Don Juan Bosque the patron saint of the school. To mark this occasion, we created 100s of tradition hats to wear at mass and munched on donuts and thick hot chocolate. The year 6's heard party games for the rest of the primary students. It was pure sugar fuelled mania. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful. I was in the main hall with 800 students and had a quiet sniffle when the 4-year olds came in waving peace signs and smiley faces while the school band played awfully but very enthusiastically while the whole school sang out of tune! Great stuff.
